How to Get Waves with a Durag: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Get Waves with a Durag: A Step-by-Step Guide

Getting waves with a durag is a popular hair styling technique that has been around for decades. It involves wearing a durag to compress and train your hair to form deep, defined waves. While getting waves may seem like a daunting task, it is actually quite simple and achievable with the right tools and techniques.

Understanding your hair type is the first step towards getting waves with a durag. Different hair types require different techniques and products to achieve the desired results. Whether you have straight, curly, or kinky hair, there is a durag and a wave method that will work for you. In this article, we will guide you through the process of getting waves with a durag, from choosing the right durag to maintaining your waves overnight.

Key Takeaways

Understanding Waves and Hair Types

To achieve waves with a durag, it's important to understand your hair type. Not all hair types are the same, and different hair types require different techniques to achieve waves.

There are three main hair types: straight, wavy, and curly. Straight hair is the easiest to wave, while curly hair is the most difficult. Wavy hair falls somewhere in between.

To determine your hair type, look at the shape of your hair follicles. Straight hair has round follicles, wavy hair has oval follicles, and curly hair has flat follicles. The shape of your follicles determines the shape of your hair strands.

Once you've determined your hair type, you can choose the appropriate wave technique. For example, if you have straight hair, you can use a brush and pomade to create waves. If you have wavy hair, you can use a durag and brushing technique. If you have curly hair, you may need to use a combination of techniques, including a durag, brushing, and a texturizer.

Remember, it's important to use the right technique for your hair type to achieve the best results. Using the wrong technique can damage your hair and make it harder to achieve waves in the future.

In summary, understanding your hair type is crucial when it comes to getting waves with a durag. Take the time to determine your hair type and choose the appropriate technique for the best results.

Choosing the Right Durag

When it comes to getting waves with a durag, choosing the right one is crucial. Here are some things to consider when selecting a durag:


Durags are typically made from materials such as silk, velvet, or polyester. Silk and velvet are more breathable and comfortable, while polyester is more durable and affordable. Consider your personal preference and budget when choosing a material.


Durags come in different sizes, so it's important to choose one that fits your head snugly. A durag that is too tight can cause discomfort, while one that is too loose won't stay on properly. Measure your head circumference and refer to the size chart provided by the manufacturer to ensure a proper fit.


Durags come in a variety of colours, so choose one that complements your style. If you plan on wearing your durag in public, consider a neutral colour like black or navy blue. If you want to make a statement, go for a bold colour or pattern.


There are many brands of durags on the market, each with its own features and reputation. Do your research and read reviews to find a brand that is known for quality and durability.

In summary, when choosing a durag for getting waves, consider the material, size, colour, and brand. By selecting the right durag, you'll be on your way to achieving the perfect wave pattern.

Preparation Before Tying the Durag

Before we start tying the durag, it's important to prepare our hair to achieve the best results. Here are a few things we can do to prepare our hair:

Brushing our hair

We need to brush our hair thoroughly before putting on the durag. Brushing our hair helps to lay down any stray hairs and create a smooth base for the durag to work its magic. We can use a soft-bristled brush to avoid damaging our hair.

Applying wave pomade

To get the best waves, we need to apply wave pomade to our hair. Wave pomade helps to hold our hair in place and create defined waves. We can apply a small amount of pomade to our hair and brush it through to distribute it evenly.

Dampening our hair

We can dampen our hair with a spray bottle or by washing it with water. Dampening our hair helps to activate the wave pomade and create more defined waves. However, we should avoid saturating our hair with water as this can cause the durag to slip off.

Choosing the right durag

We need to choose the right durag for our hair type and personal preference. Durags come in different materials, colours and sizes. For example, silk durags are great for preventing hair breakage and retaining moisture, while polyester durags are more affordable and durable. We should also choose a durag that fits snugly on our head without being too tight.

By following these preparation steps, we can maximise our chances of getting the best waves with a durag.

Step-by-Step Guide to Tying a Durag

Tying a durag is an essential step in achieving waves. Follow these simple steps to tie your durag properly:

  1. First, brush your hair in the direction you want your waves to form. This will help train your hair to form the desired pattern.

  2. Place the durag on your head with the flap facing backwards. The seam should be centered at the back of your head.

  3. Take the two straps and tie them at the back of your head, making sure they are not too tight or too loose. Adjust the durag so that it covers your hairline and ears.

  4. Pull the flap of the durag down over your forehead, making sure it is not too tight or too loose. Adjust the flap so that it covers your hairline and eyebrows.

  5. Take the excess flap and tuck it into the back of the durag, creating a snug fit. Make sure there are no loose or bunched-up areas.

  6. Use a brush or comb to smooth out any remaining bumps or lumps in your hair.

By following these simple steps, you can tie your durag properly and help train your hair to form waves. Remember to tie your durag every night before bed to maintain your waves.

Maintaining Waves Overnight

To maintain our waves overnight, we need to take some extra steps to ensure they stay intact. Here are some tips to help us keep our waves looking fresh:

1. Wear a Durag

Wearing a durag overnight is essential to maintaining our waves. It helps to keep our hair in place and prevents it from rubbing against our pillowcase, which can cause frizz and disrupt our wave pattern. We recommend using a silk or satin durag, as they are gentle on our hair and help to retain moisture.

2. Apply Moisturizer

Before putting on our durag, we should apply a moisturizer to our hair. This will help to keep our hair soft and hydrated, which is essential for maintaining our wave pattern. We recommend using a water-based moisturizer, as it will not weigh down our hair or leave any residue.

3. Brush Our Hair

Before putting on our durag, we should brush our hair in the direction of our waves. This will help to define our wave pattern and ensure that our hair stays in place overnight. We recommend using a soft-bristled brush, as it is gentle on our hair and will not cause any damage.

4. Sleep on Our Back

Sleeping on our back is the best position for maintaining our waves. This will prevent our hair from rubbing against our pillowcase and keep our wave pattern intact. We recommend using a satin or silk pillowcase, as it is gentle on our hair and helps to retain moisture.

By following these tips, we can maintain our waves overnight and wake up with fresh-looking waves in the morning. Remember to be consistent with our hair care routine and avoid over-brushing or over-washing our hair, as this can cause damage and disrupt our wave pattern.

Daily Wave Maintenance and Care

To maintain and care for your waves, it is important to follow a daily routine. Here are some tips to help you keep your waves looking fresh and neat:


Brush your waves at least twice a day, preferably in the morning and before bed. Use a soft-bristled brush to avoid damaging your hair. Start at the crown of your head and brush down towards your hairline. Brush in the direction of your waves to enhance their definition.

Durag Maintenance

Wash your durag regularly to keep it clean and fresh. Hand-wash it in warm water with a mild detergent, then air-dry it. Avoid using a dryer, as it can damage the fabric and affect the fit of your durag.


Keep your hair moisturized to prevent dryness and breakage. Use a leave-in conditioner or hair oil to hydrate your hair and scalp. Apply it evenly throughout your hair, focusing on the ends and edges.

Avoiding Friction

Avoid rubbing your hair against rough surfaces, such as cotton pillowcases or towels. Use a satin or silk pillowcase to reduce friction and prevent your waves from getting flattened. When drying your hair, pat it gently with a microfiber towel to avoid roughing up the hair cuticles.

By following these simple tips, you can maintain your waves and keep them looking their best every day. Remember, consistency is key, so make sure to stick to your daily routine for the best results.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to getting waves with a durag, there are several common mistakes that people make. Here are some things to avoid:

Wearing the Durag Too Tight

One of the most common mistakes people make when trying to get waves is wearing the durag too tight. While it may seem like a good idea to make sure the durag stays in place, wearing it too tight can actually cause damage to your hair and scalp. It can also lead to headaches and discomfort. Instead, make sure the durag is snug but not too tight.

Not Brushing Your Hair Enough

Another mistake people make is not brushing their hair enough. If you want to get waves, you need to brush your hair regularly. This helps to train your hair to lay down in the pattern you want. Make sure to use a good quality brush and brush your hair for at least 10-15 minutes each day.

Using the Wrong Products

Using the wrong products can also be a mistake when trying to get waves. Make sure you are using products that are specifically designed for wave hairstyles. Avoid using heavy oils or greasy products as they can weigh down your hair and make it harder to get waves.

Not Being Patient

Finally, one of the biggest mistakes people make is not being patient. Getting waves takes time and effort. It's not something that will happen overnight. You need to be consistent with your brushing and durag-wearing routine and be patient as your hair starts to form waves.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you'll be on your way to getting the waves you want with a durag.

Additional Tips for Wave Perfection

Now that you know the basics of getting waves with a durag, let's dive into some additional tips that can help you achieve wave perfection.

1. Brushing Technique

Brushing technique is crucial when it comes to getting waves. We recommend using a medium to hard brush and brushing in a circular motion. Start at the crown of your head and work your way out to the sides. Be sure to brush all areas of your hair evenly for a consistent wave pattern.

2. Moisturize Your Hair

Dry hair can lead to brittle and damaged hair, which can affect your wave pattern. We recommend moisturizing your hair regularly with a natural oil such as coconut oil or argan oil. Apply a small amount to your hair and scalp and massage it in thoroughly.

3. Durag Maintenance

To keep your durag in good condition, we recommend washing it regularly. Use a mild detergent and cold water to prevent shrinkage. Hang dry your durag to avoid damaging the fabric.

4. Be Patient

Getting waves takes time and patience. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to achieve wave perfection. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results right away. Stick to your routine and be consistent with your brushing and durag wearing.

By following these additional tips, you'll be on your way to achieving wave perfection in no time. Remember, practice makes perfect!

Ready to elevate your style? Find your perfect match today!

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